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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Celebration and Thanksgiving!

In the end, it's not about wells or pumps, medical clinics or children's ministry.  It's about the relationships we establish with our new brothers and sisters in Christ, and the Lord and His Holy Spirit we leave with them.  May God continue to bless the people we touched this year.
Here Julie, along with the chief of the village, Joseph and Pastor, continue pumping first water.  This marks the opening of the first of six wells in the area financed and built by the Dayton church, given in Christian love and to the Glory of God!

Cool, clean, life giving water!

The first waters from the new borehole and well!  Each team member took a turn at pumping water with villagers gathered for the opening.  This slightly different style pump is reputed to have a long service life and should serve the village and surrounding area for years to come!

First water...

After cutting the ribbon on behalf of the team, and the Dayton United Methodist Church, Glenn proceeded to begin pumping the first water!

Well Dedication

Sue presented a short dedication message to the villagers gathered.  She made the point that we all need the "Good Shepherd", using the analogy of the still water in Psalms 23.  On our own, we tend to take the easy path, or convenient water, even though it is not likely to be good for us.  The Master on the other hand, knows what we need and what will satisfy us.  It was a good and powerful presentation of God’s providence.

Opening of the first well!

Now it was time to cut the ribbon on open the well for use.  We were blessed to have the Superintendent Minister for the Mankranso Circuit, the Very Reverend Quophie Anochie Ababio join the team from Dayton for this great occasion.

The Water Projects

The major new addition to our ministry in Ghana this year was the building of wells in remote villages that were in need of safe drinking water.  The well projects were begun even before we arrived with village selection by Joseph and the Methodist church, and then site surveys by our Ghanaian contractor friends.  Here Joseph is making a few remarks at the dedication of the first well ready for operation.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The first service at Obuasi!

Our new friend Justin delivered the message at the new church at Obusai.  Again, a nice group for their first service.

Presentations for the new caretaker...

Each newly planted church has a local caretaker pastor, trained by Joseph and the Methodist church as part of this ministry.  Each is presented with his own bible in Twi, and NIV study bible and a bicycle with which to do his work.  The church is presented with a pulpit bible, young children’s picture bibles and youth bibles.  The past few years we have also been blessed to distribute New Testaments to everyone in the new church!

The first service at Ayensua!

Austin brought the message to a lively group at the newly planted church at Ayensua.  They are meeting in a classroom for now - until they can get a worship pavilion of their own.